(Video) Mysterious white cat appears during Malaysian man's funeral and refuses to leave his grave

Mourners at a Malaysian man's funeral were amazed when a mysterious white cat turned out unexpectedly at the funeral and refused to leave the man's grave.
The cat was captured on video digging around the grave and resisting attempts to be dragged away. Each time someone tries to pull the cat from the grave, the feline would lie on the grave and resist vehemently.  

The dead man, Ismail Mat, was reportedly a cat lover. His grandson, Soffuan CZ, wrote on Facebook that the animal had first started circling the grave.
He wrote: "This white cat is actually not a pet cat, but probably a hometown cat near the mosque. The presence of this cat is interesting to our family, because the cat wouldn't leave the grave when we wanted to go home."
After mourners left the grave site, the cat reportedly returned to the grave. The video of the cat, who looked heartbroken, circling the grave has been viewed millions of times, with viewers around the world fascinated by the pet's behaviour.
Cat behaviour expert Anita Kelsey told The Telegraph: "Cats can grieve the loss of a presence and show it in many ways, but it’s usually dogs we see exhibiting this behaviour."
Watch the video below.


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