Shocking!!! South African Mother caught on camera strangling baby in cold blood after picking a fight with boyfriend

Report has it that a young South African mother was caught in camera strangling his new born baby after having a serious quarrel with her boy friend who is the father of the innocent child.

A young mother who allegedly confessed to strangling her 11-month-old baby before throwing him in a pit toilet is expected to appear in court on Wednesday, police said.

Police spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbhele said after the 21-year-old mother allegedly killed her baby on Monday she lied to her family elders about the child being missing.
Mbhele said when police arrived at her home on the same day “she spilled the beans”.
“Police were immediately contacted. The detective member who was summoned to the scene conducted the initial investigation.”
“A thorough investigation was conducted at the scene and it was established that something does not add up. Seeing that she was cornered by the police officer, she spilled the beans,” Mbhele said.
She admitted that she strangled her son and put his body in a pit toilet after an argument with her boyfriend, Mbhele said.
She was then placed under arrest and the murder docket was opened at Maphumulo SAPS.
“She is due to appear in the Maphumulo Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday for murder,” she said.
Acting provincial commissioner Major General Bheki Langa said it was outrageous to hear that a mother is capable of killing her own child.
“We hope that justice will be served and she will get a harsher sentence,” he said.


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