Video: 2 couples engaged in a serious brutal fight at a Walmart store as their kids watch and attempt to intervene

A violent brawl between two couples was captured at a New Jersey Walmart on Saturday, as their children watched and attempted to break the fight.
In the video below, the two men can be seen exchanging blows near the jewelry section in the store on Springfield Road in Union, as their wives brawl at the same time.  
As dozens of customers looked on, a concerned woman can also be seen trying to stop the chaos between the two women while their two young children attempted to intervene.
The men were later separated by Walmart employees who intervened to ensure peace at the store.
Walmart spokesman Charles Crowson told NJ Advance Media on Monday that it's unclear what caused the dispute between the couple.
"We cannot definitively say why the fight broke out, the group scattered so quickly" that police were ultimately not called."
Watch the video below


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