REPORT: Gambian police officer commits suicide (Photo)

Chief Inspector Fakebba Colley, attached to Kotu Police Station Mobile Traffic Unit, Gambia on Sunday September 10, committed suicide in Kanbenda village, Casamance, Southern Senegal.

Inspector Foday Conta, spokesman for The Gambia Police Force confirmed the incident saying the late Inspector Colley, was in the Gambia Police Force for over 20 years.

"The motive behind him committing suicide is not known, but what I know is that he has some mental issues.
Inspector Conta, explained that the late Fakebba, took permission from the police that he was going for treatment at his village of Kampasa in Foni Jarrol.

"He later proceeded to Casamance, where he was receiving local treatment that was when he took his own life.”

Police PRO said that he was buried the same day at his home village in Foni.


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