PHOTOS: Man Caught Red Handed Trying To Plant Drugs In A Car In Port harcourt

Facebook user shares photos of a man who was caught while trying to plant drugs on his car in Port Harcourt
A Facebook user, Victor Odili has narrated how he caught a man who was trying to plant drugs in his car in Port Harcourt. He shared photos of the man wrote; 
Friends please I have an advice for each and everyone of us,,,my experience today at elelenwo road ,,,whenever you park your car and you are not inside make sure you look the doors properly,,,,, today I parked my car in front of the boys school ,,,to talk with a friend suddenly I saw somebody who was trying to force the doors open ,,,when we got hold of him he was holding a big rap of marijuana,,(Igbo) that he wanted to put inside my car but God disappointed him,,,,,,,I thank God for his mercy upon me today. It can happen to anybody friends please be security conscious.
More photos below..
Facebook user shares photos of a man who was caught while trying to plant drugs on his car in Port Harcourt
Facebook user shares photos of a man who was caught while trying to plant drugs on his car in Port Harcourt


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